yabai allows you to control your windows, spaces and displays freely using an intuitive command line interface and optionally set user-defined keyboard ...
2024年1月10日 — Divvy. Say goodbye to scattered windows on your Mac by utilizing Divvy. It's an app that makes precise positioning and sizing much easier, as it ...
Rectangle. Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas. Download. Free and Open Source, Supports macOS 10.15+, Intel and Apple ...
Veer is a lightweight window manager for your Mac. It lets you drag and drop windows or use keyboard shortcuts to arrange them. What makes it different is that ...
2024年2月15日 — Window managers are either the ones that do the exact same shit like rectangle and magnet, or overly complicated like Yabai. I don't want to ...
Quickly toggle between window maximization, full screen, and the original window position. macOS Ventura and Sonoma. Wins works on macOS High Sierra (10.13) or ...
Managing windows can be frustrating, requiring precision control of your mouse or trackpad for clicking, dragging, pushing and pulling your windows to the size ...